Monday, October 27, 2008

Who is Given Tests

Making Assessment Practices Vaild for Indigenous American Students, S. Nelson-Barber & E. Trumbull
Who Is Given Tests by G. Solano-Flores

The two articel brought up many points about tests and ELL students. One thing that stood out for me from these two articles is that the tests do not address cultural validity, that test developers do not take into account the lives of the students. A student from a different culture may interpret a question differently than a student whom the test was developed for.

Did I read right that that simplifying the language on the tests can shorten the gap between ELL and non-ELL students? Another point that stood out for me was that there is no such thing as a “standard” language. By selecting one language as a standard benefits certain students and hurts the rest.

1 comment:

languagemcr said...

Yes, the idea of a "standard" language is sometimes lost dominate speaker of any language.