Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dynamic Assessment

Dynamic Assessment in the Language Classroom, Poehner & Lantolf

These are some of the things that I got out of the article:

Formative Assessment (FA):
- helps in teach planning and management
- provides evidence of student learning
- shows where student and teacher are in curriculum
- provides evidence of self-evaluation of teaching
- Shows what student still need to know
- Informal, hit or miss. May over or underestimate student ability

Dynamic Assessment (DA)
- Came from Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
- Cannot separate assessment and instruction
- Mediation focuses on meaning for development
- Mediation is intervention after assessment? And it is ongoing.

The article gave a lot of information about DA, and I’m really interested to see how it can fit into our kindergarten grades. Also, is mediation given individually? Sounds like it.

1 comment:

languagemcr said...

Most Dynamic Assessment that I've read about involves the instructor and one other student, but it could be done in small groups too. I bet you do informal DA in your classroom a lot as you mediate language learning and make bridges for your students. Can you think of examples where you do this?