NCLB Act & ELL: Assessment & Accountability Issues
The issues with assessments and LEP that Abedi mention include:
1) no accuracy in AYP reporting of LEP students due to inconsistencies of LEP reporting or classifications within the state and/or districts.
2) LEP student population varies within states. Someone will have to explain more on this one. I’m having trouble grasping how different cultures and languages can affect the LEP reporting.
3) Number of LEP students s always changing. As students become proficient in English they are exited out of LEP status.
4) The academic achievement tests are not reliable measurements for LEP students because the tests are normed for “Native English speakers”.
5) Schools with high LEP student population have lower-baseline scores. It was interesting to find that the higher percentage of LEP there are, the higher the yearly increase becomes.
6) NCLB does not follow “compensatory model” where a subject with a higher score could compensate for a subject with a low score.
After reading about how NCLB is biased towards English speakers, what are some of the “steps to remedy issues” that Abedi concluded with?
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14 years ago
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