Monday, October 20, 2008

McNamara ch 5

Ch 5 Validity: testing the test

The chapter states that the test goes through validation procedures to make sure that it is testing what it is supposed to be testing, and if the test is relevant to the ability of the students. It was interesting to read that the test developer is often the one that checks for validity, if I’m not mistaken, but other test researchers may review the test data as well.
What I’d like more clarification on is the consequential validity. Is coaching much like teaching to the test? Or is it different because not all students in the classroom can be coached, and because of it the result of the test changes?

1 comment:

languagemcr said...

I think consequential validity is ideal when you are assessing in a multimodal way with lots of variety. That way the assessments match the classroom content and activities. If all the assessments are imported, standardized tests that don't match community needs then the consequential validity of "teaching to the test" creates classrooms that don't support students well.
What can be done to provide more support for authentic assessment? How can teachers and parents view authentic assessment with the same value as outside tests?